ゴーティエ家督争乱 The Gautier Inheritance
A group of thieves led by a disowned son of House Gautier has stolen a Hero's Relic and begun to run amok. Seeking to neutralize this threat, the church is sending your house there to settle the matter.
ギルベルト: 賊の気配が濃くなってきました。そろそろ最上階なのでしょう。
Gilbert: The enemy is close by. We're almost to the top floor.
エーデルガルト: 逃げ場がないなら好都合ね。追い詰めて一網打尽にしましょう。
Edelgard: They have nowhere left to flee, so the situation is in our favor. All we have to do is chase then down.
ディミトリ: 賊とは言え、相手には英雄の遺産がある。くれぐれも気を抜くなよ。
Dimitri: They are merely thieves, but they have a Hero's Relic. Do not drop your guard.
クロード: こんだけ登ると、戦う前にバテそうだぜ。……ま、大雨の中で戦うよりはマシか。
Claude: Phew, why did we have to climb so high before a battle? At least it's better than fighting in heavy rain.
シルヴァン: ……俺に遠慮は要りませんよ。兄上の悪行も……今日、ここで終わりだ。
Sylvain: Don't hold back for my sake. My brother is going to pay for everything he's done.
ごろつき: お頭が危ねえ!野郎ども、急げ!
Rogue: The captain's in trouble! Hurry up, you fools!
ギルベルト: む……階下から新手の敵か?背後にも気を配らねばならんな……。
Gilbert: Enemies approach from the lower floor! Watch the rear flank!
ごろつき: 出るぞ!あいつらを挟み撃ちにしてやれ!
Rogue: Here we go! Attack them from both sides!
ギルベルト: なんと……隠し部屋に賊が潜んでいたか……!
Gilbert: It's an ambush!
vs Milkan
マイクラン: 貴様らも、俺から槍を奪おうってのか……殺してやる……全員、ぶっ殺してやるッ!
Miklan: So, you think you can take the lance from me, huh? I'll kill you... I'll kill every last one of you!
マイクラン: 何しに来やがった……。紋章持ちの“お嬢さん”がよう……!
Miklan: Why have you come, you Crest-bearing fool?
シルヴァン: ……“破裂の槍”、取り返しに来たんだよ。尻を拭かされる俺の気持ちにもなってくれ。
Sylvain: I'm here for the Lance of Ruin, Miklan. Hand it over. I don't want to humiliate you, but I will.
マイクラン: フン、さっさと死ね!貴様さえ……貴様さえいなけりゃあ……!
Miklan: Hmph! Hurry up and die already. If not for you... If it hadn't been for you...
シルヴァン: その台詞は、もう聞き飽きたぜ。……そろそろ黙ってもらおうか、兄上。
Sylvain: Shut up! I'm so tired of hearing that. You've always blamed me for something that isn't my fault.
黒き獣: ギィィヤァァァ!!
Black Beast: Graaaargh!
シルヴァン: お、おい……嘘だろ……!?あの化け物が、兄上だってのか……!
Sylvain: What the–Miklan?! Is that you?!
ソティス: !? あの姿は……。
……おぬし、そやつのような相手と戦うのは初めてじゃな? わしの話を心して聞け。
Sothis: That form... Oh my. Is this your first time fighting such a thing? Then listen well to what I say.
-HP Reserve (Monsters)-
ソティス: そやつは魔なる力を巨躯に蓄えておる。人とは比べ物にならぬ生命力を持つのじゃ。
Sothis: An evil power has caused them to grow quite large. Their life force is beyond a mortal like yourself. You cannot win unless you fell them twice or even thrice!
-Latent Abilities (Monsters)-
ソティス: 追い詰めたとて、油断はせぬことじゃ。命に陰りが見えた時こそ、そやつは厄介になる。
Sothis: Even if you've cornered one, you cannot let your guard down! Those things are even worse when threatened.
-Barriers and Confusion (Monsters)-
ソティス: あの障壁が見えるか? 溢れる力を纏っておる。壊さねば、そやつの命には届かぬぞ。
Sothis: Can you see that barrier? It is surrounded by great power. You must break through to fight that thing. A strong attack or gambit might help to break through more quickly. If you can break the barrier, that power will have nowhere else to go, and that will likely cause confusions for that thing. It cannot counter while confused, which means that is the best time to attack!
ソティス: 障壁をすべて壊せば、そやつは混乱するに留まらず、しばらく動けなくなるじゃろう。
-Armour Breaks (Monsters)-
Sothis: If you break down all of their barriers, not only will they be confused, they will not be able to move for a short while.
Without the power flowing around them, they will not be able to restore their barriers. You might even be able to get something from them.
-Gambits (Monsters)-
ソティス: 強大な存在ゆえ、人ひとりを恐れなどはせぬが……騎士団ともなれば話は別じゃ。
Sothis: They have such might that they will not fear you alone. But a battalion could prove useful on that front... Attack them with a gambit to draw their attention and force them to target you.
-Staggering Blows (Monsters)-
ソティス: 力を溜め始めたら警戒するのじゃ。そやつの渾身の一撃、被害は一つ所に留まらぬ!
Sothis: Be on your guard when they have realized their full power! The damaged caused at times like that is not contained to just one spot. Once they have charged some power ups, their barriers will be restored. You really must pay close attention to those things! Distract them with a gambit, or just take them down before they can attack. In any case, think carefully before you act!
-How'd You Learn All This Anyway?-
ソティス: 今はわしの話より、そやつとの戦いじゃ!聞きたいことがないなら、疾く戦え!
Sothis: But you should be conquering that thing instead of talking to me! If you're out of questions, get over there and fight!
エーデルガルト: これが紋章に人生を狂わされた者の末路だなんて……憐れね。
Edelgard: Such is the fate of one whose life is corrupted by a Crest Stone... How pitiable.
The least we can do is put an end to his suffering.
ディミトリ: これが、英雄の遺産の力なのか……?こんな禍々しい獣が……。
Dimitri: So, this is the power of a Hero's Relic. To create such a sinister beast...
It has gone too far. I fear all we can do now is put an end to it.
クロード: 何てこった……。英雄の遺産ってやつには、あんな物騒な力も秘められてるのか……。
Claude: How awful...So the Heroes' Relics are hiding such a terrible power within.
I can't even tell friend from foe anymore. I feel for him, but...the best we can do now is finish this quickly.
vs Black Beast
黒き獣: ガァグアアアアッ!!
Black Beast: Graaaargh!
シルヴァン: はは、何だよ、これ……。悪い夢でも見てるみたいだな……。
Sylvain: What is that? It's like watching a bad dream come to life.
黒き獣: ギャアアアゥルガアアアッ!!
Black Beast: Graaaargh!
黒き獣: アガアアアアアアッ!!ゲッ!! ゲギャッ……! ガッ……
Black Beast: Graaaargh!
ギルベルト: あれは……体が崩れて、中からマイクランと槍が……。
Gilbert: Goddess... The beast is gone, yet Miklan and the Lance remain.
エーデルガルト: 終わったようね……。槍を回収して、引き揚げましょう。
Edelgard: It is done. Let's retrieve the lance and depart at once.
ディミトリ: 終わったか……。槍を回収して、引き揚げよう。
Dimitri: It's over... Let's retrieve the lance and leave this place.
クロード: 何とか倒せたな……。槍を回収して、修道院に戻ろうぜ。
Claude: We defeated him, somehow... Let's grab the lance and return to the monastery.
シルヴァン: ……兄上。
Sylvain: Miklan...my brother...